Beneath the trees where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
'Cause that's the way the Teddy Bears have their picnic.
When do the bears emerge from hibernation? And when do they start appearing around the house? A neighbor picked up some on their scout camera, about three miles away, earlier this month. This young (subadult) bear had its picture taken on the 16th, about ten minutes' walk from the house.Two large bear turds are circled. |
And there was another similar sack and similar bear turds only yards away. Yes, the bears had been having a picnic.
Internal evidence pointed to the garbage coming from the neighbor across the road. She said she had put out her trash on Tuesday, but that the garbage driver "hadn't taken it."
Or maybe she had told her son, the aspiring "dark arts painter," to roll the wheelie bin out to the road, but he never did it. So the bears found it. Whatever. Let's just listen to Der Bingle sing the song.