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Blog Stew Spit from Nozzles
Blog Stew Spit from Nozzles
¶ In Switzerland, says BLDGBLOG, winter is sculpted "by one wizard-like figure who is really just a stoned twenty-something in a wool hat, turning different parameters on and off and spraying whole new European landscapes into existence outside."
¶ Staying with Europe for a moment, this article comes from the British newspaper The Telegraph, but it is written by an American and reveals, among other things, what teenage girls do in hunting blinds. "How one nature lover was converted to deer-hunting: Could an ethically minded carnivore be converted to the law of the gun in his pursuit of organic meat in the Mississippi Delta?"
¶ How people panic during a disaster, most of them anyway. (Via Peter "Bayou Renaissance Man" Grant.)
¶ Staying with Europe for a moment, this article comes from the British newspaper The Telegraph, but it is written by an American and reveals, among other things, what teenage girls do in hunting blinds. "How one nature lover was converted to deer-hunting: Could an ethically minded carnivore be converted to the law of the gun in his pursuit of organic meat in the Mississippi Delta?"
¶ How people panic during a disaster, most of them anyway. (Via Peter "Bayou Renaissance Man" Grant.)
Category → Blog Stew Spit from Nozzles » Britain , disaster-planning , Europe , hunting , snow , winter » Southern Rockies Nature